Who is she? What is her name? I dare not write it, nor does my heart dare τ̲̅ȍ speak it, for in its meaning it conveys beauty & at its utterance it sets fire τ̲̅ȍ the senses.
Oh, but the beauty of the gods!
When she smiles you're forced τ̲̅ȍ smile too, as though with †ђξ radiance which emits thus, you're assured of a future of bliss & no pain.
Oh, but d innocence behind that smile! It is as though †ђξ world is free & nothing can go wrong...
Then, she stands τ̲̅ȍ take a walk, you are conscious of those small pointed breasts as they appear in perfect proportion τ̲̅ȍ her slim frame which tapers towards a models waist & a flat belly.
Then at the waist,you're shocked again. For with a curve that would have made Andromeda jealous, her derriere reaches out and curves with such luscious lines, you gasp for breath. Then she walks away swinging her hips τ̲̅ȍ the rhythm of a silent primal beat..the walk is not forced, it is not learned, it's natural.
You keep on staring & suddenly it seems she has noticed, for she suddenly turns with an amused tilt τ̲̅ȍ her head & a mischievous smile on her lips. Her face is smooth & fair, her eyebrows are full & dark.
Then you see her eyes! and d world stops..
Behind those long lashes are dark pools that promise
desire & yet reveal chastity. You long τ̲̅ȍ drown in them, yet you fear τ̲̅ȍ tarnish their purity. You long τ̲̅ȍ know their secrets, τ̲̅ȍ feel their pains & their joys & their fears. You long to love them.. She blinks slowly & her eyelids flutter & open again. It is not on purpose but it sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine τ̲̅ȍ rest in your bowels & a now familiar stirring rises in your groin.
She smiles again & resumes her walk, then you realise you've been holding your breath.
Oh lord, you sigh, she's beautiful.
And it's true.
I am a god, I am not human. I merely walk the earth with mortals. This is my temple. This is the point where the two parts of Janus come together, All in a (my)Life's journey...Whatever!!!
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Friday, November 25, 2011
Cry of Pain..
The clouds darken, mirroring my mood...all around me evil gathers as I plummet deeper & deeper into
an abyss of sorrow &pain.
D pain is not physical; it reaches from deep within †ђξ far reaches of my heart...gnawing & chewing away, this
nebulous monster takes apart my faith and soul until I'm nothing more dan a pack of muscle & bone.
Once, i was content: young, smart, christian & in love, then in one swoop dat lasted a year, everything changed & †ђξ colours of d world 'harshened' from a golden yellow τ̲̅ȍ the gray of a
cloudy sky and a black as the Devil's robes.
I grew older and the complexities of d world were laid bare τ̲̅ȍ me as childish innocence faded away; I grew smarter & less wise as I chose Science & Logic over Faith & God and as the last straw, Love died and d futility of it all was laid
But I did not die!
Rather I gave myself τ̲̅ȍ instinct as i became the true animal; powerful, proud & handsome. Avenues were examined by instinct and a measure of Logic rather than blind Faith; Love was discarded as
lust and freedom were embraced as against †ђξ fetters of a relationship. In it all, a sliver of regard was retained for God, however his servants I regarded with suspicion - experience haven taught
me never to trust, where before I would have relied on Faith.
However, soon I lapsed into debauchery and I gave myself up to enjoyment to d full & discipline was thrown out the window.
Slowly and slowly, I dug the pit into which I fell, I 'smoothened' the sides so I couldn't climb out Ãήϑ by d time I realised it.. It was too late...too late...
an abyss of sorrow &pain.
D pain is not physical; it reaches from deep within †ђξ far reaches of my heart...gnawing & chewing away, this
nebulous monster takes apart my faith and soul until I'm nothing more dan a pack of muscle & bone.
Once, i was content: young, smart, christian & in love, then in one swoop dat lasted a year, everything changed & †ђξ colours of d world 'harshened' from a golden yellow τ̲̅ȍ the gray of a
cloudy sky and a black as the Devil's robes.
I grew older and the complexities of d world were laid bare τ̲̅ȍ me as childish innocence faded away; I grew smarter & less wise as I chose Science & Logic over Faith & God and as the last straw, Love died and d futility of it all was laid
But I did not die!
Rather I gave myself τ̲̅ȍ instinct as i became the true animal; powerful, proud & handsome. Avenues were examined by instinct and a measure of Logic rather than blind Faith; Love was discarded as
lust and freedom were embraced as against †ђξ fetters of a relationship. In it all, a sliver of regard was retained for God, however his servants I regarded with suspicion - experience haven taught
me never to trust, where before I would have relied on Faith.
However, soon I lapsed into debauchery and I gave myself up to enjoyment to d full & discipline was thrown out the window.
Slowly and slowly, I dug the pit into which I fell, I 'smoothened' the sides so I couldn't climb out Ãήϑ by d time I realised it.. It was too late...too late...
Monday, November 14, 2011
†ђξ darkness of †ђξ Soul...
There Ȋ̝̊̅§ a darkness at †ђξ heart of every man. †ђξ measure of †ђξ strength of that man Ȋ̝̊̅§ his ability τ̲̅ȍ conquer that darkness. In this battle with †ђξ very tightly woven fabric of his soul, a man sometimes loses, but †ђξ men who are counted worthy Ãήϑ who stand above all others are those who break through Ãήϑ destroy that darkness.
†ђξ people who stay around you, who form your circle of friends, who are your family, those you care most about, they feel †ђξ brunt of this darkness. It Ȋ̝̊̅§ they, who first feel †ђξ whip of †ђξ evil which resides deep within you. Ãήϑ †ђξ question which always arises: could you have stopped it? Could you have prevented this evil from existing Ãήϑ from affecting †ђξ people you love?
In †ђξ effort τ̲̅ȍ destroy that which so eagerly threatens τ̲̅ȍ tear apart †ђξ very fabric of our soul, we find ourselves understanding it, we come τ̲̅ȍ love it, we come τ̲̅ȍ enjoy †ђξ feeling it releases Ãήϑ as with every drug, we become addicted Ãήϑ we come τ̲̅ȍ need it. It Ȋ̝̊̅§ at this point that we transcend that point where we were embattled humans Ãήϑ we become truly evil.
When we don't care anymore, when we do what we do because we can Ãήϑ with absolutely NƠ̴͡ regard for †ђξ feelings of our friends. When we remove †ђξ care Ãήϑ warmth of emotion Ãήϑ we truly Ãήϑ wholly become cold blocks of icy logic. When we die τ̲̅ȍ †ђξ world Ãήϑ care NƠ̴͡ more. When we lose those we care for †ђξ most. Then we near †ђξ pit Ãήϑ that crevasse from which if we surrender, we would never pull out again.
When do you then demand for salvation? ♓☺W do you get it? Ãήϑ from whence may it come?
As it Ȋ̝̊̅§ with any form of ice Ãήϑ cold, warmth Ȋ̝̊̅§ †ђξ cure Ãήϑ a rush of emotions Ȋ̝̊̅§ necessary. But in a heart so cold Ãήϑ dead, can love so pure suffer it τ̲̅ȍ break?
A rush of emotions, a cold heart, a teary eye Ãήϑ a heart torn nearly assunder...
Pure madness.
†ђξ people who stay around you, who form your circle of friends, who are your family, those you care most about, they feel †ђξ brunt of this darkness. It Ȋ̝̊̅§ they, who first feel †ђξ whip of †ђξ evil which resides deep within you. Ãήϑ †ђξ question which always arises: could you have stopped it? Could you have prevented this evil from existing Ãήϑ from affecting †ђξ people you love?
In †ђξ effort τ̲̅ȍ destroy that which so eagerly threatens τ̲̅ȍ tear apart †ђξ very fabric of our soul, we find ourselves understanding it, we come τ̲̅ȍ love it, we come τ̲̅ȍ enjoy †ђξ feeling it releases Ãήϑ as with every drug, we become addicted Ãήϑ we come τ̲̅ȍ need it. It Ȋ̝̊̅§ at this point that we transcend that point where we were embattled humans Ãήϑ we become truly evil.
When we don't care anymore, when we do what we do because we can Ãήϑ with absolutely NƠ̴͡ regard for †ђξ feelings of our friends. When we remove †ђξ care Ãήϑ warmth of emotion Ãήϑ we truly Ãήϑ wholly become cold blocks of icy logic. When we die τ̲̅ȍ †ђξ world Ãήϑ care NƠ̴͡ more. When we lose those we care for †ђξ most. Then we near †ђξ pit Ãήϑ that crevasse from which if we surrender, we would never pull out again.
When do you then demand for salvation? ♓☺W do you get it? Ãήϑ from whence may it come?
As it Ȋ̝̊̅§ with any form of ice Ãήϑ cold, warmth Ȋ̝̊̅§ †ђξ cure Ãήϑ a rush of emotions Ȋ̝̊̅§ necessary. But in a heart so cold Ãήϑ dead, can love so pure suffer it τ̲̅ȍ break?
A rush of emotions, a cold heart, a teary eye Ãήϑ a heart torn nearly assunder...
Pure madness.
Democracy: †ђξ utopian farce
Democracy, they said, was government of the people, by them and for them. The history behind the concept stretches back in time through the ages and I will not bore us with a history lesson. There are other things to bore with.
Democracy as an ideology is wonderful, but just as it is with Faith and fiction, it exists on the pages and in the mind. It has no tangible form.
There is no way in any normal society so prone to many different psyches and ideologies even, that a system of government whereby a people lead themselves in such away that the profits are shared equitably among them can exist.
Humans are animals at their best, beasts at their worst, and with all such living forms, there is something known as a caste system. Some are always at the top, and the profits of the spoils are given to them for first sampling.
Take a lion's pride for instance. Lions, as the heads and rulers, if I may, of their prides, stay back while the rest of the pride, the lionesses, do the hunting, and the killing. A classic example of 'Monkey dey work, Baboon dey chop...'
The President of the nation, or Ruler or Chancellor, is an animal, a baboon.
One basic thing about democracy which is utterly surprising is the irony which lies between 'basic human rights' and 'upholding the rule of law'. For the completely antagonistic who are willing to learn, I'll give a short lesson.
What are basic human rights?
Right to food, shelter, warmth right? Wrong. It goes a lot further than that. It extends far more. It involves the right to do what one wants to do. Whenever one wants to do it. That is the part they try to make us forget.
Please note that, I do not seek to promote any form of anarchy or indicate that there exists a conspiracy to put down the common man below the boots of the Baboon.
I just want to say the truth, and as I see it. You are entitled to your own belief.
'Upholding the rule of law' is another matter entirely. What exactly is the rule of law? I don't have a law degree. I graduate from the University with a bachelor's degree in microbiology, but I know that 'upholding the rule of law' involves the use of force to determine that the inhabitants of a particular area are subject to rules that have been put down by other people. A direct violation of their rights.
The upholding of the law is a direct violation of the law.
Democracy like I said before is a farce, and not only in my country, Nigeria. It is the same all over the world, but here in Nigeria, the stink of the falsehood which follows the concept reeks so badly, one is tempted to look over his shoulder for the source of the smell.
In a law debate, the argument for democracy would go thus: the people making the laws which govern the land were put in place by the same people who are to be governed. There is no problem with that concept and ignoring the obvious, (which involves election rigging and the simple fact that it is not always the person one wants that gets elected), it may even be applauded but for a single problem. The simple issue that it eliminates freedom.
The singular feature which coats democracy and makes it so attractive to the world, is freedom. Democracy promises freedom and an opportunity for the man at the bottom to reach the top. It eliminates the caste system and places each man as an equal. Small wonder the Russian revolution and the overthrow of the Tsar. Very Greek, very Christian even.
It does this on paper only.
Democracy institutionalizes position, and that which in the monarchial caste system is based on birthrights is now left for whoever can grab it. Very un-bourgeois if I may, and thoroughly false.
Democracy is like the rainbow, a colouring so visible to the eye and yet, so invisible and unreachable. In my opinion, as a concept, to be taught in schools and maybe practised, there is
no problem. But as an ideology higher placed than gerontocracy or the monarchy, I demand it be pulled down.
The concept never worked, except in an ideal society. And we know, no such thing exists.
Democracy as an ideology is wonderful, but just as it is with Faith and fiction, it exists on the pages and in the mind. It has no tangible form.
There is no way in any normal society so prone to many different psyches and ideologies even, that a system of government whereby a people lead themselves in such away that the profits are shared equitably among them can exist.
Humans are animals at their best, beasts at their worst, and with all such living forms, there is something known as a caste system. Some are always at the top, and the profits of the spoils are given to them for first sampling.
Take a lion's pride for instance. Lions, as the heads and rulers, if I may, of their prides, stay back while the rest of the pride, the lionesses, do the hunting, and the killing. A classic example of 'Monkey dey work, Baboon dey chop...'
The President of the nation, or Ruler or Chancellor, is an animal, a baboon.
One basic thing about democracy which is utterly surprising is the irony which lies between 'basic human rights' and 'upholding the rule of law'. For the completely antagonistic who are willing to learn, I'll give a short lesson.
What are basic human rights?
Right to food, shelter, warmth right? Wrong. It goes a lot further than that. It extends far more. It involves the right to do what one wants to do. Whenever one wants to do it. That is the part they try to make us forget.
Please note that, I do not seek to promote any form of anarchy or indicate that there exists a conspiracy to put down the common man below the boots of the Baboon.
I just want to say the truth, and as I see it. You are entitled to your own belief.
'Upholding the rule of law' is another matter entirely. What exactly is the rule of law? I don't have a law degree. I graduate from the University with a bachelor's degree in microbiology, but I know that 'upholding the rule of law' involves the use of force to determine that the inhabitants of a particular area are subject to rules that have been put down by other people. A direct violation of their rights.
The upholding of the law is a direct violation of the law.
Democracy like I said before is a farce, and not only in my country, Nigeria. It is the same all over the world, but here in Nigeria, the stink of the falsehood which follows the concept reeks so badly, one is tempted to look over his shoulder for the source of the smell.
In a law debate, the argument for democracy would go thus: the people making the laws which govern the land were put in place by the same people who are to be governed. There is no problem with that concept and ignoring the obvious, (which involves election rigging and the simple fact that it is not always the person one wants that gets elected), it may even be applauded but for a single problem. The simple issue that it eliminates freedom.
The singular feature which coats democracy and makes it so attractive to the world, is freedom. Democracy promises freedom and an opportunity for the man at the bottom to reach the top. It eliminates the caste system and places each man as an equal. Small wonder the Russian revolution and the overthrow of the Tsar. Very Greek, very Christian even.
It does this on paper only.
Democracy institutionalizes position, and that which in the monarchial caste system is based on birthrights is now left for whoever can grab it. Very un-bourgeois if I may, and thoroughly false.
Democracy is like the rainbow, a colouring so visible to the eye and yet, so invisible and unreachable. In my opinion, as a concept, to be taught in schools and maybe practised, there is
no problem. But as an ideology higher placed than gerontocracy or the monarchy, I demand it be pulled down.
The concept never worked, except in an ideal society. And we know, no such thing exists.
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