There is a God and as far as we can tel, he is mercifl, kind and beneficient. Also, he is gracious and willin (quite willin) to grant a couple of prayers from his humble servants and children. If ther b one prayer i earnestly implore d Lord grant me, it's d chance of another lifetym..a reincarnation of sorts.
It hurts to reason sometimes of all the joys that have been denied me by being born in this life time. It is not dat i regret being born now, nay! I do not! I do believe that there is a purpose which i serve to fulfil in the world i was born into. I understand that and i appreciate it. But it doesn't hurt to pray does it?
I pray i have the opportunity to watch the dinosaurs as they go about feeding and Evolution as it takes place or Adam with his naked wife reclining beneath the trees at Eden. I wonder sometimes if i would stop them from eatin the Cursed Fruit. I do not know. Perhaps i shall be more interested in determining the sort of fruit. I wonder if it shall be apple or pear or almond? *shrug*
Oh, but a chance to be there at the Birth of Jesus or even Mohammed. The greatest prophets the world has ever known. I shall seek Jesus' view as to Mohammed's birth or the Great prophet's view as to the death of the Messiah. I wonder...
To ride down the hills with the Roman Army as we conquer land and people, to crawl up mountains and cold steppes with Attila and his merry band of murderous Huns. What a thrill it would be. And to capture the world with the Greatest warrior there ever was, Alexander. Indeed i would hand him the very sword he would use to sever the mighty Gordian knot.
To stroll the sands of Alexandria with Plato and Socrates and all the other philosophers. We would sit beneath the pyramids together and say wise words in Greek and Latin and smile foolishly and nod our heads. ''Cogito ergo sum..''*grin*
The wars will come and go, WWI, WWII and so on, still i'l remain. Moving through the years experiencing all i can gathering knowledge. For i would be wise, as i have studied with Solomon and as he said i should ''..pursue understanding..'' In time, going through the ages, learning the timeless art of craftiness from Odesseus himself at the scene of the Trojan war. I shall gather military wisdom which shall be proficient in following every step of the Napoleonic wars.
I would be with Tsar Alexander as Napoleon invades from Prussia and with Napoleon as he strolls into Moscow. To understand the true secrets of what happened when Archduke Ferdinand was murdered and to experience the actual effects of a nuclear holocaust at Hiroshima.
There will be the good experiences too. To sail aboard the Titanic on her ill-fated voyage and watch lovers dance and smile and fall in love myself. To ride a Rolls Royce silver edition on the first day it rolls out of the workshop and to run in the American Olympics. To fall in love with Diana Ross and with Marilyn Munroe and with Mata Hari. To dance with the queen at a cocktail and to jockey race in the Cheltenham Races.
To play football at international level and to score golf against Tiger Woods. Oh, but for the experience of sailing with Christopher Columbus and shouting, ''It's land!'' as we hit upon the shores of America. To journey with Lewis and Clark as we map the States and fall in love with Sacagawea. To make love beneath the stars and in a spaceship. To invent rock music and dance to thrill and madness.
To taste crystal meth and keep long hair and jive like a true hippie. To meet the greatest writers and poets of all time, Shakespeare, Dickens, Tolstoy, Doestoyevsky, Ludlum, Wilde, Yeats, Chaucer and so on. To smile into portraits and have myself drawn and painted and sculpted by da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatelli, Bernini and so forth.
To live in the deep forests of the African tropics. To watch Nigeria as she evolved from a geographical area to a bound entity. To trade with the Eastern Igbos and the erudite Northerners, all this while my protection being assured with a bodyguard of loyal Yorubas commisioned to me by the Oba of the Binis.
Watching as the country was born and took shape and almost died. I would have the opportunity to see the ancient art of the people of Nigeria before everything is carted away across the ocean to the Western world. To touch what before i would have merely read, to feel and to understand a time and clime before my own fathers.
There will be time, i pray, to fly a jet and race the fastest cars of the highest cliffs and into the coldest waters. To sail the Artic seas and to laze on the warmest beaches. To invent flat screen television and satellite Tv and digital surround home-theatre systems. To ride a satellite to the moon and circumvent the world. To land on the moon and almost touch the stars.
I want to experience all this and much, much more. All these i ask through Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.
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